Disposal of Paint ... the Right Way!

When purchasing paint, remember to estimate the exact amount required for the job. Buy only what you need. Ask your retailer for assistance.

  • Always be sure to read the label, which contains important information regarding the product. Wear protective clothing such as safety glasses and gloves in well-ventilated areas.
  • The best and easiest way to dispose of left over paint is to use it all up. Apply a second coat or touch up, as needed.
  • Leftover paint can be given to someone else, who has a need for the product. Make sure that any product you "donate" is in its original container and has its label intact.
  • Water-based paints can be left to dry by removing the lid and allowing the left-over paint to dry. This should be done in an area which is well away from children and animals. Allow the paint to dry completely. Most local Councils will allow the container to be disposed of in the weekly household trash. However, it is advisable to check first. Remember to leave the lid off, so that the refuse remover can see that the paint has hardened.
  • Solvent-based paints require special disposal practices. They are also ignitable and present other hazards. These products must never be poured down storm drains, the household sink (especially if you have a septic tank), or on the ground.
  • Store hazardous products in the original containers, in a cool dry place, away from children, pets and food. Check for leaks. Do not mix products or store products together that may be incompatible. This may cause toxic themical reactions such as: explosions, fires, skin and eye irritations. Do not store hazardous products for more than one year from date of purchase.
  • Solvent-based paints should be disposed of as a household hazardous waste. Paint thinners, turpentine, mineral spirits and solvents should never be poured down a drain for the storm sewer.
  • Finally, keep the number of the Poison Control Center visible and posted near the telephone in case of emergency.


Get in Contact

Pacific Paints (Tonga) Ltd
P O Box 1680

Telephone (676) 25 377
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax: (676) 25 367